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Within Reach

I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses. Joshua 1:3

Lord, we come into agreement with your word. You are God and nothing is too hard for you. You are sovereign and you know all things. You know our capacity and you push us to it. We are grateful for your push, too often we get to the end of our ability, and we want to give up, yet that is when something must break in our life. This is when you show up supernaturally and cause supernatural miracles to take place. Lord, we thank you for the promise that is beyond our reach. Our expectation is that your promises will triumph over our abilities. Thank you for the awareness that the things that are out of our reach are never out of your reach. Today we step, today we walk, today we move, today we go in faith and we wait on you, dear Lord.

Father, we declare your people take territory in media, finance, technology, education, government, business, ministry, and many other spaces. We are stepping in faith in the powerful name of Jesus, Amen.

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