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The Power of The Holy Spirit

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. Romans 8:14

Lord let us be found resting in your presence today. By faith, we step out into the deep waters to go deeper into relationship with you. Lord, you are our dwelling place, compel us, draw us to a place of lingering in your presence. Holy Spirit you are our proof of covenant sealed in the blood of Jesus. Thank you for our guarantee. The fact that we can talk to you, feel you and have assurance that you are with us brings the peace and comfort we need in difficult times. Father today let our ask, seek, and knock not be about things. Let our ask be that we will know you better. Let our ask be about drawing nearer to you. Enlarge our capacity to carry your presence into a dying world. We trust you Lord and so we put hindering issues on the altar. We put down pride and self-righteousness so that we can lay hold of your presence in the secret place. Jesus, Lord, Savior, open our hearts to know true intimacy with you.

Holy Spirit breaks off chains of emotional yokes. Set us free from the grip of the enemy. Lord where our emotions have gone awry and have caused us to be unstable, we ask you to come and stabilize us so that you get the glory, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

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