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Seeking His Face

A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great. Proverbs 18:16

Lord, we empty before you today and we give you permission to fill us. Let us overflow in our homes, let us overflow in our neighborhoods, in our schools, and in the marketplace. We are reminded that you descended to take the keys from the enemy when you ascended you came back with gifts for us to use to carry out our destiny. Lord fill us up a fresh so that we are able to carry out our mission on the earth. We will not be left undone when you call us home. Make room for your people today dear Lord. Make room for us to do what we never thought we could do, to go where we never thought we could go. Let us break down barriers and doors that will cause humanity to take notice not just of us but of your greatness on the inside of us. We pause and we make room today for a refreshing to come to us today. Lord we pray for the seeking to see you. We pray for those with questions to find answers. We pray for those with desire to be used as your vessel, in the mighty name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

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