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Cultivating Intimacy With God

Updated: Mar 8, 2021

And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. John 14:13

Lord, you are everything, our hope, our peace, our provision, our strength. You are the joy that replaces our sorrow. You are the hope that keeps us sustained. You are all that we need. We lean into that place in you that is perfect peace. Lord today we ask that you be glorified in the earth. We ask that you heal those that are sick and fighting illness. We ask that you provide provision for those suffering from financial difficulty. We ask that you mend broken relationships where mothers and fathers are estranged from their children, where husbands and wives are falling away from the marriage, father, cause them to turn back to you and back to the relationship. We ask that you sit the singles into families where they will be included, loved, and cared for. We ask that you cause men to find the wife that you have ordained for them. We ask that you bless our children to be motivated and encourage them to excel. Let them know they can be excellent even if they don’t like it. Help us to go through our process and not despise small beginnings. Father, we ask you to do these things so that you will be glorified through Jesus.

Lord bring joy to those that are feeling deflated and defeated. Holy Spirit, deliver those suffering from depression. Your word let us know that you have come to set the captives free. We ask you to set your people free from the strongholds that are over their minds. We will take no credit and we give you all the glory in Jesus Name, Amen

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