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God Is Near!

Then Haggai, the LORD’s messenger, spoke the LORD’s message to the people, saying, “I am with you, says the LORD.” Haggai 1:13

Father, there is nothing like your presence. It is humbling to realize that you are in the room with us. Lord, we surrender our path to you. Your presence is healing and comforting. Your presence gives us hope and confidence. Your presence speaks and lets us know that we have help. Help us to be intentionally mindful that not only do we have help, but we are the majority against any enemy that comes against us. No matter what we go through our assurance is that we are not alone. Our assurance is that the creator of heaven and earth is concerned about our situation and our outcome. We declare we will always bless the Lord, and our praise will exalt our majestic God. We are confident that you are speaking and directing us. We pray that we are sensitive to your movement. Lord show up in amazing, unexpected ways to confirm for your children that we are on the path that you have created for us.

Help us to realize even when we are alone, we are not alone because you are there. We pray for supernatural comfort for your people during this season. Help us to be a blessing to someone in need this season, in Jesus' Name Amen.

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