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Freedom in Christ

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 2 Corinthians 3:17

Lord we acknowledge that you are perfect, and you have never made a mistake. We thank you for the strength to take up our cross and walk. Thank you for the boldness to not be ashamed of the gospel. We are humbled because you called us to serve your kingdom. Lord we believe our suffering is temporary and this uncomfortable time will not cause us to quit or be delayed. Lord sustain your people as we go through times of disappointment, pour out the anointing to believe for victory. We will go through every low time with hope and assurance that you have a greater plan for our life. Thank you for being the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. We are grateful that you came to be our suffering savior. We are grateful that the government is on your shoulders, the troubles and concerns are on your shoulder. The sickness and disease are on your shoulder. Lord we put our concern in the master’s hand.

Lord meet the need of your people. we pray that our spiritual eyes are open. Cause our senses to be made alive in this next season. Lord take us on a journey called destiny. Give encounters with angels and let freedom from bondage be our portion in Jesus Name. Amen.

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