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Faith over Fear

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

Lord, we thank you for the strength you have given us to persevere. Fear is from the enemy, and we it will try to creep in, nevertheless we take our authority as those seated in heavenly places with Jesus. We recognize the tactics of the enemy, and we declare he will not oppress us with fear and hesitation. We will not be frozen in fear prohibited from moving forward. Lord we ask that you forgive us for the sin of not having faith. Forgive us for trusting more in our own abilities than our creator. Your word tells us that love covers a multitude of sins. Thank you for covering us in weakness.

Lord fill us with unwavering faith. We thank you for strategy to defeat every enemy that tries to oppress us through intimidation and fear. Our faith bring us overwhelming victory and our worship will bring certain breakthrough, in Jesus Name, Amen

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