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Exceedingly And Abundantly

“Look at the nations and watch— and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told. Habakkuk 1:5

God of heaven and earth, God over all the nations, God of great and mighty wonders, we worship you. Father, we are amazed by you, we thank you for being an awesome wonder on the earth. You make wonderful things happened that we have never dreamed up. We thank you for being such a compassionate father who desires to give good gifts to his children. Father, we believe your word. We watch in anticipation of what you are going to do in the lives of your children. We are in expectancy that you will do great things. We are in expectancy that you will exceed our thoughts. We have seen you move in the earth; we have seen you move our lives. We know that the reach of your hand of grace and mercy can never end. Let the wonders and the amazement fall upon your children like an unexpected warm blanket.

Lord, we pray for those that are in lack. We ask that you create provisions and opportunities. Let this be a season of open doors, And allow us to continuously walk in promise and purpose in the mighty name of Jesus We pray, Amen.

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